As life becomes increasingly complicated and chaotic, as technology crowds every moment and space - Amish dolls capture some simple charm. Fashioned without faces and dressed modestly, the dolls serve as reminders of the qualities of characher often associated with Amish people. The dolls can add a classic touch to the decor of your home. Or they can become a beloved plaything for a child you cherish. This is just a beginning - hope you'll like it when I finish it in couple of days. |
Sigurna sam da ćeš ih ti prelijepo napraviti!
Pusa i veliki pozdrav:)
Hvala Sandra, već se mjesecima spremam raditi te lutke. Vrlo su neobične, sviđa mi se ta jednostavnost. Nadam se da ću je završiti kroz nekoliko dana - malo sam ispala iz igre :-(
What a lovely idea!
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