
Monday, December 20, 2010


Doll is a child's toy made to look like a human being. Boys and girl throughout the world enjoy playing with dolls. But dolls also appeal to many adults because of the toys' artistry and historical representation.
Dolls fulfill many needs of children. They serve as playmates and objects for children's affection. Dolls can also provide an outlet for a child's  hurt feelings, anger, and other emotions.  How children play with dolls may thus reveal their inner needs, fears, and desires. Playing with dolls enables children to rehearse the roles they hope to perform after they grow up, such as parent or a doctor.
The toy dolls that existed before the 1700's served chiefly as playthings for adults as well as for children. At that time, adults and children were more alike in their attitudes and interests than they are today, and childhood as we know it did not really exist. Youngsters were regarded as little adults and were expected to act like them. they shared the wor of supporting the family with their parents. Most of the dolls were shaped and dressed like adults.
The word doll came into general use about 1750. It may have come from the Greek word eidolon, meaning idol, or from Dolly, a nick name for Dorothy.

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